Saturday, June 13, 2009

How T&L Met

As promised, I am about to tell you how T and I met. Hillary Clinton once said “it takes a village of people to raise a child.” Well, as it turns out, T and I were that village. Everyday after school, I would wait for my youngest son outside of his classroom and T would wait for her youngest daughter. Seems we were the only parents to be doing this, so it was inevitable that we would meet. One day while we were waiting for the kids to get out of class, T and I started talking and aside from the fact that T’s neighbor was my sister’s boss, she also knew my sister. T was the PTA President and while I did want to be her friend, I tried my utmost to keep a low profile (and for those of you who know me, this isn’t easy), because I just didn’t want to get “roped” into PTA. After all, I was already my kid’s room mother and baseball coach (not to mention I was going to school full-time). I thought my plate was full – apparently that plate was only “half empty” as it turns out. And as they say, the rest they say is history!!!

As is said in the Celestine Prophecy – there is no such thing as a coincidence. T and I were meant to meet, since our lives parallel the other with the good, the bad and the ugly. In the days to come, you will see for yourself why if I have a water leak, or fall down, I call T and warn her about her coming attractions and vice versa!

Anyway, shortly after T and I met, her husband, Wade, passed away. Of course, he was as involved with the PTA and all of the kids as T and, as a consequence, he died at our kids’ school while building the shed for the earthquake kits. I am truly sorry that I didn’t get to know Wade; but even not knowing him, we share one very important thing – our love and gratitude for T.

After Wade’s death, T & I and our kids became inseparable. And, yes, she did finally rope me into the PTA. But what a PTA it was. If you live in Utah, you can appreciate the accomplishment of bringing “coffee” to the lives of the dedicated and underappreciated elementary school teacher. We were a hit. PTA was also a little easier for T and me than some of the mothers, since at any given time, we had half the school at one of our houses. While some called us “kool aid” moms, those close to us called us anything but. While the regular PTA meetings were held at school, the important planning meetings were held at T’s house. Of course, working that hard made us thirsty. That is when we embarked upon one of our favorite drinks – the “Crantini” For those of you who have never experienced this taste sensation, a Crantini is composed of cranberry juice, midori, triple sec and vodka. What better way to get your fruit and vitamins. And, while these many meetings required numerous trips to our State Liquor Store, we were able to conduct business while obtaining supplies, since one of our kids’ teachers worked there.

Take it away T . . . !!!!

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