Friday, June 19, 2009


While L is off to appeals court and before I get off to COSTCO, I have just a few ponderings.

1. Does L really think that I would turn down the cases and cases of wine she secured in Cali? Not a chance. Let the wine flow and the painting begin.

2. Has anyone tried to purchase LDS garments lately, with no prior knowledge of how the system works? This one is a whole blog by it's self.

3. Do people who kill abortion doctors not find any irony in the killing of the doctors and their stance on PRO-LIFE? This one is hard for me to wrap my mind around.

4. If someone is released from jail, how is it that no one knows they still have a warrant out for their arrest. Again, mystifying.

5. This one is truly amazing to me: Why do good people die and the really bad ones stick around to bug the shit out of us?

Just a few things on my feeble little mind today.

On another note, on the off chance anyone truly reads this stuff, I would like to say that the passing of Ned Alger is a profound loss, not just to the University of Utah, but for all the people whose lives he touched. A finer man you will never meet. My love and condolences to his family.

Now off to COSTCO...Smokey Robinson at Red Butte tonight!

Happy Father's Day to all you dads. Love, T

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